Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just when you think you've seen it all

After Monday’s rather disappointing trek through the jungle to view the not so picturesque ruins in Calakmul, we were feeling somewhat disenchanted with the prospect of seeing more Mayan ruins. That is, however, why we came here so we endeavored to soldier on. Our new friend, Tracy, was sure that she was finished with ruins but in accepting our ride to Merida she pretty much had to come along. Thank heavens we all did.

Uxmal is Gorgeous. Stunning. Awe-inspiring. And Picturesque to the nth degree. The pictures we’ll post are of the atypically oval-shaped Pyramid of the Magician or Prophet depending on who you read but the story is something about a dude who hatched from an egg and grew to maturity in one day and built the Pyramid that night. Anyway, it’s a site to behold. The carvings on the buildings are extensive with birds here, turtles there, the occasional snake and billions of images of Chaac (the rain god) with his wide toothy smile and big, beaky nose.  

Tracy and I climbed up to the top of the Great Pyramid to take the panoramic images with the Pyramid of the Magician off to the right and Michael’s other photo of it was taken just as a light rain began to fall. I think the lighting somehow makes the trees look like they were photo-shopped in.

We finished our tour, grabbed a few beers and took off for Merida just as the daily 4P torrential downpour let loose. Tomorrow we are off to Chichen Itza. Now we are especially hesitant about seeing more ruins because Tracy (who already did Chichen Itza) was blown away by Uxmal. So it may be a letdown, but we can’t exactly stop now.

Meanwhile, get your thinking caps on because the traditional blog quiz will be coming up.



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