Monday, May 20, 2013


So this is the view off of our little balcony off of our little dining room in our little apartment in the little hill town of Todi in Perugia. This was late in the evening but I think one can get the general idea.

After waking this morning to the aroma of warm pastries wafting from the pasticceria across the street from our apartment in Venice and after partaking of said pastries, we hauled our bags through the early morning streets onto the water taxi and over to Hertz rental car. As we drove south to Umbria the sunny weather turned rainy until just outside of Perugia so that by the time we arrived into Todi a little after 3PM it was brisk but at least sunny.

The town is perfect. Every turn reveals a pretty door, a striking cornice, or a lovely alley way. And of course there's that view. We settled in at the apartment and then went off to settle in at a little café on the little Piazza del Popolo for munchies and Campari Spritz. Then we toddled over to the pizzeria only to find ourselves so full after just a creamy, white bean soup with pecorino cheese for me and an asparagus pasta for Michael that we took our mushroom and prosciutto pizza to go for lunch tomorrow.....partly because we knew we were stopping for fig and walnut gelato on our stroll home.

Now we are tired but content and looking forward to many, many days exploring this tiny little town and surrounds.


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