Friday, May 13, 2022

Age Is Just A Number

 Or so they would have you believe.

After a very hearty breakfast at the Hacienda, we headed back to Quito with a few stops along the way. The first was to visit Jose Carlos, a widowed, 84 year old weaver of wool scarves, ponchos, blankets etc. His wife died 15 years ago, and his daughter cannot get him to stop weaving though he has cut down to only 8 hour days. He is outgoing and clearly proud of his work -demonstrating every step of the process and encouraging photographs. He has boasted to Vivian in the past that his picture is all over the world. I think you can see why…

I have watched many, many weavers all over the world. The process is always mesmerizing in that is it simultaneously so simple to do and yet so difficult to do well. This time he showed us how he softens the final product by brushing the fibers with a thistle. Look closely. The weave at the top has not been brushed so you can still see every little thread. The area at the bottom has been brushed and is all fluffy and soft. 
I never buy anything, but I bought one of his scarves.
But for as impressive as his work was, we were all most impressed and envious of the fact that at 84 he could get up and down off of the ground all damn day. And I never heard him grunt or groan even once.

The rest of the day was a few other stops at wood carvers, embroiderers, lunch, and even to taste a locally made blue agave tequila (which Michael bought for his collection). Then back to the Marriott.

We were supposed to go out on a city tour of old Quito today. But we passed. These kinds of trips are not our usual choice. We like to move at our own pace. Take breaks etc. Even the altitude has affected me in spite of having started the appropriate drugs in advance of arrival. I have been headache-y and my fingers occasionally vibrate. And this at “just” 9,350 ft. Yet when I first moved to California we drove out to Yosemite once, slept at White Wolf Lodge (8,000ft) and the next day hiked (we were not hikers) on up to Vogelsang (10,150ft).  Had a nice steak dinner and a good sleep and headed back down and home the next day.  No altitude sickness drugs. No mention of them, as I recall. Just did it and that was that. 

So, I may like to still think I am young but clearly my body no longer agrees.
And since we have never cruised before, we thought it best to take a day to regroup, reorganize and to steel ourselves for the physical and social rigors to come. 

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