Monday, October 24, 2016


Our first full day in Vienna we headed off to Belvedere Palace. It was brutally cold and overcast and gray and I apologize for mentioning this so many times but it is just startling to me. After 16+ years living on a perpetually sunny Caribbean island, I just do not remember what weather can do. Certainly there have been other times in the course of those 16 years that I have been off island, in other places, experiencing this before; but obviously I forget. Time and time again, I obviously forget because here I am again in shock and awe of grayness.

Anyway, off we trudged. Here is the Palace:

No amount of average every day photo-shopping can make that sky look anything but just exactly like that.

In fact, the weather was so miserable we bought tickets to tour the art museum inside. OK, I stretch the truth a wee bit there because the museum at the Belevedere houses the largest collection of paintings by THE famous Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt, which makes it a "must do" akin to visiting the Rodin museum in Paris or the Rembrandt museum in Amsterdam (both of which we have also done).

It also gave us the opportunity to catch this view from the upper floor windows:

Same sky, you say. Yup. And gardens in fall so not in their full glory. Yet still pretty neat patterns like on a sculpted rug. The reason I posted this image, though, is because there off to the left in the distance you can see none other than the St Stephan steeple towering so much higher than anything else on the skyline.

And that makes me realize that perhaps my other picture of the steeple didn't do it justice (even though it was an attempt to shoot it from the ground straight up). So here is another one which will also remind me that we did see those blue skies from time to time:

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