Wednesday, February 12, 2025

To Life!

 Our butler asked us today if we had received all of our luggage last night. I said yes, we are all good. And then I realized that they actually tidy up our closet.  So I said, oh, if you were wondering…that is all the clothes we packed. He seemed both relieved and amused. 

Excursions were only planned for this afternoon. So we spent the morning watching  Gentoo penguins and humpback whales swimming alongside the boat.

This afternoon Michael took the shore excursion/zodiac tour and I went out kayaking,…in three layers plus a dry suit! Some of which, I think was unnecessary coz the sun was shining brightly, temps about 30, no wind and water like glass. Saw a leopard seal, some petrels, another seal from farther off, and a whole lot of ice…from a closer perspective. (Of course, if I cut back on layers next time the weather will change and I will freeze to death.)

On the way back to the ship, it occurred to me… when Michael and I started traveling 35+ years ago, we marveled (aka took great personal satisfaction) in the realization  that everywhere we went we were the younger/youngest in the crowd. But today I was clearly the old matron of the kayaking group! Sure, at least I was kayaking not playing shuffleboard. But still…it was a sad awakening. 

Meanwhile, a couple of guys in the group brought chunks of ice back into the zodiac.  And then left a couple of smaller bits when they got out.   So I brought them back to our suite, asked the same butler for a couple glasses of vodka neat and added our Antarctic ice chunks. Waste not, want not. Cheers! To life!

1 comment:

  1. Go big or go home, Georgia and Mike! So glad you're having that wild experience! Nothing wrong with being the veteran travelers. All your lessons over those 35+ years come in handy.
