Or Be Careful What You Wish For
Feb 16th we were, indeed, blessed with going ashore on excursions. But woo hoo it felt colder. The guides are well-schooled on spinning circumstances. The expedition leader was eager to point out that he hadn’t seen the weather turn so wintry quite so early in February before. And according to our zodiac driver, it was apparently our good fortune to not be cursed with any more blindingly bright sunny days. Cloudy, snowy days provide much better lighting for appreciating the finer details of glaciers. Yeah, us!
In all fairness, this is Antarctica….that’s the whole point.
The morning excursion was a one hour ride around looking at said glaciers and icebergs
and then some time on a rocky beach seeing more gentoos and several elephant seals.
The afternoon landing was billed as being a bit tricky. Some strong swells out onto big round rocks on an incline up to the flat part. It might have been good to have been in a later group. The folks returning as we were heading out were drenched. But it wasn’t bad at all. And there were half a dozen or so chinstrap penguins to be seen in amongst all the gentoos and fur seals.
And the view
Oh, my! What beauty!