Thursday, December 3, 2009

Math problem

First, unrelated to the math problem, this is a photo of Michael dipping his fingers into the Jordan River very near to where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. The actual site which we also visited is no longer under water (2000 years being a long time for a river to stay the same). Now fortunately the river itself is not holy water so that Michael was saved from bursting into flames.
Now I have to go back and correct an error in one of yesterday's posts (and I appreciate nobody calling me on the inaccuracy). The Dead Sea is not 400 ft below sea level it is 400 meters below sea level which is very different. Closer to Hell for one thing but they also point out that it is farther from the sun so the sun's rays are not as damaging! Right! So here's the math problem: what percentage increase over sea level is that added distance compared to the sea level distance from the sun? Extra credit: will that save you from skin cancer?
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1 comment:

  1. Call me a groupie!

    Anyway the percentage is probably very small beyond the thousandth decimal point, but makes a huge difference environmentally. Recommend SPF higher than 30.
