Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here's the quiz of the trip

As promised, here is your brain teaser. The real question will be whether or not the ability to answer this question is age-dependent. When we were leaving Campeche with Tracy in tow, she asked for our help. She had seen these 'things' all over town and had taken pictures of them hoping to be able to identify them at some point. Perhaps we could help her. Maybe we knew what they were.
As she was finding the images on her camera to show to us, I was wondering - were they something architectural? cultural? functional? what could this mystery item be that she saw so many of that she was so curious about their origins.....and most importantly would I look like an idiot when I didn't know?
So let's see if you can identify this mysterious, exotic creature:

Here's one:

Here's another:

And just in case, the rear view of another pair:

Seriously, No, I'm not kidding.
Just how damn old am I now that mature, educated individuals traveling on their own in foreign countries have no idea what a VW Bug is?
*BTW they are everywhere here. These four were taken in a one block walk after dinner tonight. I don't even need my reading glasses to pick them out of the crowd. Sheesh!

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