Saturday, May 6, 2017

The End of the Rainbow

Writing now from Swansea. Now Saturday night. Sadly when the high point of your day is your Ryanair flight, things have not been quite up to snuff.

In a nutshell, nice last morning in Galway yesterday. Leisurely. Relaxed. Hung around until 2P. Then drove to Dublin. Dropped off the luggage at the hotel. Dropped off the car. Shuttled back to the hotel. Quick dinner and then asleep by 9P to wake up at 3A to catch the shuttle back to the airport. Flight to Bristol. Drive to Swansea. More than one person told us to skip Wales. So far, they may have been right. But I refuse to judge the whole place based on Swansea. We drove for over an hour trying to find a place to park, but in all fairness a beach town with one main road on a lovely Saturday in early May in this part of the world.... could have been a poor choice from a planning standpoint. We quite nearly abandoned the hotel and the cost of it and moved on. But here we are in a beach front guest house of very modest means. Oh well, it is only one night of our lives....and it is still not raining!

Meanwhile, just a couple of tidbits...

Met a Swedish couple at dinner in Dingle. He reminisced about his first trip back-packing around Ireland 47 years ago. Was wearing the sweater he bought back then. They just don't make them like that anymore, he said. I got to thinking, I believe my brother, Gregg, still has the "Starsky and Hutch" patterned cardigan I made for him, gulp, 43 years ago. And that was made from the cheapest, Sears, knitting worsted crap yarn money could buy. (Nothing but the best for my bro.)

Lastly, during our leisurely morning in Galway, sitting in the sun, drinking coffee, Michael suggested that he could live there. For awhile at least, he said. For this week, perhaps, I countered. Let's face it, it is rarely like this here. Chamber of Commerce Weather, you know. But, he said, you could wear those pretty sweaters that are in the stores. But, I said, I would HAVE to wear those pretty sweaters that are in the stores.

Holidays can make people temporarily insane.

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