Sunday, May 14, 2017

Get Me to the Church On Time

Today, Sunday morning, is the sunniest day by far here in Edinburgh.
Honestly, until today we didn't realize that there was a river and a hill on the horizon.
Yesterday, wedding day was not so nice. A bit drizzly and foggy in the morning. Someone told us that rain is lucky on your wedding day. I imagine if you lived in a place where it rained all the time, you would spin it that way, too.

We hailed an Uber to the cathedral and were greeted by throngs of tourists probably both frustrated at not being able to get into the cathedral and also curious as to who was getting married. I have to assume that they photographed the attendees in case any of us turned out to be anybody. That must be what it is like to be Kim Kardashian.

On cue, the sun started shining through the stained glass windows in the midst of the ceremony, and the reception was lovely....including the beautiful cake Faye made:

A great time was had by all. So, as promised, here is a somewhat breezy picture of us in our British finest.



  1. Yes, you both look fabulous with your British on! Dates cake looks like a masterpiece.
