Saturday, October 16, 2010

Everybody Samba!

Bucket list: Dance the Samba in Rio de Janeiro.
Check. Check.
Yesterday after two final professional meetings, we went to samba. Big business during Carnival (to watch the competition, seats in the samba stadium run towards $500US each) samba dancing is also just good fun on a Friday night.
I, of course, put my new shoes on and we went out and cut quite a rug!
Heck, we stayed out until ... Wait for it ... 11:30PM!
We were Brazilian party animals, I tell you.
Today, up to see Christ the Redeemer. Luckily I drank only one caipirinha, one pepsi and two bottles of water and didn't injure anyone on the dance floor so I'm not actually in need of any redemption.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. I won't believe Mike was dancing the samba until I see a photo!

  2. I second Melody there - pics, or it didn't happen. ;^)
