Monday, June 24, 2024

Ashmore Reef

Went quite a ways away from the coast overnight to get to Ashmore Reef Marine Park, an Australian External Territory that is closer to Indonesia than Australia. Purportedly, before gps etc,  the Indonesian fisherman used to find the reef by sailing towards the “blue clouds” that were catching the reflection off the reef.

It is a protected area. You can’t land and can only hover your zodiacs in a very limited area off the West Island. 

The nearly 600 sq km reef hosts more than 40 birds species (we saw five or six) with 100,000 seabirds breeding there every year.

(My apologies for the picture quality. I can’t get the internet to connect to the phone I used today so I had to take pictures with my iPad of the pictures on my phone!)

The island with the blue clouds


Turtle tracks

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