Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Down To The River They Go

Our unplanned private tour continues. 

This morning we were waiting to hear when the pilot would be picking is up for the tour company's charter flight to the Karawari Lodge on the Karawari River.

Weather was a question but the manager assured us that the pilot flying us would be their youngest one. ???? Must have shown on our faces because he quickly added that the pilot is also their best pilot. Everyone says so.

Everyone who survived....

I may have to post images separately because I have several and no way to size them down.

But we headed to the private jet area of the airport to wait at the executive lounge 😉

The plane approached (a much bigger plane than anticipated) but then aborted it's landing in front of us. 🤔

My guess was something exotic like a cassowary on the tarmac but it turned out that it was just two dogs in the way.

Then we had to wait while the young pilot, Sam, contacted this lodge to see how wet the runway was from recent rains. With the river and the swamp area all around, if there is standing water on the runway it can be worrisome. 🫣

But we made it ok (again pics to follow) and arrived safely at the terminal. 🎉

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