Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Wrapping up our two days in Perth.  Mostly hanging and resting but did some walking about.  It’s a very cosmopolitan city. Name an ethnic cuisine and you can find it within two blocks. Stellar weather. Cool enough to be comfortable, mostly sunny with only an occasional drizzle.

Just a few pics.

One of the kangaroo sculptures “drinking” from the fountain in the Central Business District at the gardens.

The Bell Tower at Barrack Square 

We also switched rooms today to move to the one associated with the cruise group. This one is a lovely room. Still spacious for your average hotel room. But quite downsized….one toilet and one sink instead of two toilets and four sinks!  However, the robe is just the same. 🥰. Anyway, now the view is of St Mary’s Cathedral. 

Luckily we retain executive lounge access so we can still easily feed ourselves which is good because for the first two weeks of this trip (yes, we are at the midway point now) we have eaten where and when instructed.

Five a.m. shuttle tomorrow back to the airport for our 12th flight of this trip. This one to Broome to get on the ship. 

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