Saturday, June 15, 2024

Back in Civilization (aka the land of fruit and wifi)

Don’t get me wrong. I did not expect any cellular connectivity in the highlands or lowlands of Papua New Guinea. But then the gods tease you with “H+” or whatever and one is right back to wanting something that isn’t there.  Coincidentally we received an email from our provider back home. We are getting increased speeds from the 300mbps we had to 500mbps. At one point Michael was going to contact TMobile about “buying” access to faster speeds (more than our unlimited lesser speed) but I think 3G may be as good as it gets here anyway so I didn’t really see the point.

Nevertheless, we are back in Port Moresby to fly on to Perth tomorrow.  I am a bit tired but I will try to catch you up.

Karawari river housing

Karawari river transport

Kundiman people doing fish dance

Michael shopping

(Even here everyone thinks the woman shops.  Having discussed the fact that also I don’t cook or take pictures usually…I suggested to the one guide that he must be wondering what useful purpose I actually serve)

Melpa chief Jacob Wei

And the Blue Bird of Paradise

Also saw a Superb Bird of Paradise and a Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia.
Palm cockatoo. Sea eagles. Whistling kites.  
I don’t know. A bunch of birds.

And we are all caught up. 

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