Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sunrise. “Moonset”. Swiftly Flow the Days.🎶

 Ten days from now we will be back in the States again. 

I know from experience that these 10 days will, somehow contrary to the laws of nature, go much faster than the first 10 days or the middle 10 days.

It’s a metaphor for life:

That seemingly endless calendar at the beginning of the trip. “This is only our third day. It seems like we have already been gone forever.”

Those steady days in the middle. “Can you believe we still have x days to go?”

And then, the sudden realization that in one very, very, very quick week it will all nearly be behind us and we will be heading home. 

So, for a more contemporary quote,
“Every Second Counts.” - The Bear

Or Michael Paul’s personal favorite, “you can sleep when you’re dead.”

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