Friday, June 28, 2024

Winding down, Wyndham

I am a day behind. Clearly we are winding down.  The three week mark may be the sweet spot. Yesterday, Thursday, was a very long day with an inland excursion that made the zodiac tours and hikes shine in comparison.

A couple hours on a bus to get to el Questro. Pretty rock, pretty rock.

The presentation by the local indigenous clan was very interesting and informative.  But the boat ride at a virtual snail’s pace on a river to see the water spitting archer fish could have taken a fraction of the time.

Coz lunch was a total of 20 minutes to eat before the call to get back on the vehicles. Another dusty, bumpy drive to a look out point to see the river valley and more rocks. Then back on the bus for two hours back to the ship.  It was just way too much time and too exhausting to be a good last touring day. 

Today was a day at sea.  Packing, etc. Tomorrow we disembark here in Darwin. Hand at the Hilton for a bit and then catch our 4p flight to Singapore. After we leave the ship in the morning, it will just about four days till we are home. 

Meanwhile, the best I can do are these:

See the wallaby on the rock ledge

Find the wallaby on the water’s edge

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